Frequently Asked Questions
How will you track my child’s progress?
Student progress is measured through active, consistent guidance, observation and assessment of each student by the teachers. The program is highly individualized. Observation occurs daily and across the school year, and focuses on documenting students’ skills and abilities in each area of the curriculum. Teachers guide the children through specific, developmentally appropriate curricular steps in all areas of the learning environment: mathematics, language, culture, sensorial, science, “practical life” and geography. Formal parent/teacher conferences for all students occur twice during the year.
How will you stay in touch with me?
We prefer to stay in touch with families by email, but if that is not convenient for you, we can print information and place it in your parent folder. If you prefer to get information in print, please let us know, and be sure to check your parent folder often. We have a Facebook page where you can find archived Newsletter and Event Announcements. Please check out the link in the left side bar– “like” us there, and we’ll keep you in the loop. We also update the dry erase board in the foyer with weekly current events and reminders. . Your parent handbook has a calendar on the second page with a listing of annual events. Communication from parents about our program, and your children is so important to us, so please let us know if you have questions or concerns!
What if I need to speak to my child’s teacher?
Your questions and concerns are very important to us. If you need to speak to a teacher, please advise them of your concern or question, and they will get back to you asap, usually by the end of the day. Please be sensitive to the fact that the teachers need to watch over a classroom full of children… You can also leave a note in their parent/teacher communications folder, located in front of the parent folders. If you need immediate assistance, please check in the office with Alexia.
How can I get involved with volunteering?
There are many ways to get involved with helping Children’s House to thrive. Our Parent Teacher Organization is a great way to get involved in our fundraising and community building efforts. PTO meets the first Tuesday of each month at 5:30pm at the Beech Street Campus. Other ways to get involved: be a lunch helper, join our Board of Directors, help with building or grounds projects, do a special art/music/cooking etc activity or read with the children… ideas?????
Why are you guys always fundraising?
Children’s House is a non-profit, 501C-3 organization. To address the needs of families in our area, our Board of Directors (BOD) have historically maintained that a minimum of 51 percent of the children attending should be from low to moderate income families, and be eligible to receive tuition assistance. Though 70% of our budgeted income is garnered from tuition, we have historically relied on funding and support from grants as well as corporate and individual donors to support our tuition assistance and scholarship programs. Currently over 62% of our students are able to attend as a direct result of these fundraising efforts. Parent-led efforts are a vital part of our fundraising strategy.
What should my child wear?
Here’s what to keep in mind when your child is getting ready:
• Ease of going to the bathroom and ease of movement, i.e., climbing, running, tumbling, sitting cross-legged on line. Our floors can become very slick if they get wet, please keep that in mind when choosing footwear.
• The day’s weather forecast. We do go outside every day.
• How they would feel if paint or water spilled on their clothing.
• There is no dress code at Kiva, but it’s good to keep in mind that we spend part of time outside, every day, in all kinds of weather, on many different surfaces, such as wood-chips, sand, grass, snow, and concrete.
What if I’m late for pick-up?
If you get stuck and can’t pick up your child on time, please call the office and let us know immediately. Please make sure anyone picking up your child is on your pick-up list.
What if my child is sick?
Please let the office know if your child is sick and won’t be coming into school. Please call The Kiva as soon as you find out from your doctor about any contagious conditions, so we can be alert to symptoms in others. See our Parent Handbook for detailed health policy information.
What if it’s snowing?
The Children’s Kiva follows Montezuma-Cortez RE-1 School District for school closings. The school district will post closings on their web page. or check your email and/or our Facebook Page for up to date school closure announcements.
What do I bring for snack/lunch?
• If your child is scheduled for a full day, he or she will need to bring a healthy sack lunch. Please pack items that are low in sugar, and leave candy at home. Some lunch items to consider: sliced cheese, meat, with crackers or in sandwiches, fruit and veggies cut up, yogurt, etc…We have lots of great menu ideas – just ask!
• We provide a healthy snack to the children during morning and afternoon work periods.
When can I visit my child’s classroom?
We love to have parents visit our classrooms. We encourage parents to come into share their unique culture and talents, to read to the children and to work with the children on special projects. We do ask that you allow your child to settle into the classroom, about six weeks, before scheduling a visit. The Montessori classrooms are designed for the child to become independent and to develop autonomy. Allowing your child time before visiting helps him/her to develop ownership of their environment. We have a mom’s night and a dad’s night scheduled each September in which you will have a chance to visit your child’s classroom.
What is “News”?
News period is an opportunity for your child to learn how to speak and take turns in a small group setting while helping to build self esteem and confidence. We ask that children bring in something from nature, a book, a story, or pictures. Please leave toys at home.
How will my child’s birthday be celebrated?
On your child’s special day, please bring a photograph for every year of your child’s life. We will use these photos to tell their life’s story. Please touch base with your child’s lead teacher the week before the big day, and plan to celebrate with your child, if you can! You are welcome to bring a healthy treat to share with your child’s class.